Frequently asked questions

Yes, Please get in touch with support team to check the product availability.

We endeavor to ship ordered products typically within 2-3 working days of order placement and confirmation. Upon successful shipment of an order, we will send you the details of the consignment to allow you to check the status of your order. The typical delivery date shall be within 10 days of shipping and in some cases 12-15 days (Please see shipping and delivery policy for details)

In most cases your order will be delivered within 10 or at most 12-15 days from shipping. In some cases, if there is an exigency, we will proactively call/email you and let you know. In the rare case that you do not hear from us, please email us at or ping in +91 89397 66166

Yes, With in 24hours you can send an email to or WhatsApp @ +91 89397 66166. Our Support team will send you the updated order confirmation email once the shipment address is updated.

If you receive a damaged / defective Product or a Product that does not comply with the specifications as per your original order, please get in touch with the customer service. email us at to register the reason for returning your order within 24 hours of placing the order. Upon verifying the authenticity of your claim, we will determine if your order may be returned. If your order is eligible for returns then please follow the instructions for order return. Please see Return & Refund policy for details.

Happy to help.

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